साँचा:Kept on Wikipedia
EverybodyWiki Bios & Wiki से
- Click on the "Link to Wikipedia"
- Check if the page is still here
- If you see the article is still on WP, check next page
- ElseIf you see "The article that you're looking for doesn't exist." on Wikipédia
- Return on the page on Everybodywiki
- Click view history
- Click on the before last date of revision (if available) to see the content of the page before 'Kept on wikipedia" was written by the bot
- Or undo the last revision
- Please summarize your edit like "Finally was not kept on WP"
At the end, write the pages you have checked below :
Date already checked[सम्पादन]
{{#ask: Link to Wikipedia::+ +|format=count}} articles were kept on Wikipedia out of 750 (2020-04-04) and currently {{#ask: Article::true|format=count}} {{#ask: Link to Wikipedia::+ + |?Link to Wikipedia |?Creation date |?Modification date |?Number of page views=Number of views |?Page creator |?Page author
Articles kept on Wikipedia
|sort=Modification date |order=desc |limit=5000 }}