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साँचा:Kept on Wikipedia

EverybodyWiki Bios & Wiki से
यहाँ जाएँ:नेविगेशन, खोजें

  1. Click on the "Link to Wikipedia"
  2. Check if the page is still here
  3. If you see the article is still on WP, check next page
  4. ElseIf you see "The article that you're looking for doesn't exist." on Wikipédia
    1. Return on the page on Everybodywiki
    2. Click view history
    3. Click on the before last date of revision (if available) to see the content of the page before 'Kept on wikipedia" was written by the bot
    4. Or undo the last revision
    5. Please summarize your edit like "Finally was not kept on WP"

At the end, write the pages you have checked below :

Date already checked[सम्पादन]

{{#ask: Link to Wikipedia::+ +|format=count}} articles were kept on Wikipedia out of 750 (2020-04-04) and currently {{#ask: Article::true|format=count}} {{#ask: Link to Wikipedia::+ + |?Link to Wikipedia |?Creation date |?Modification date |?Number of page views=Number of views |?Page creator |?Page author


Articles kept on Wikipedia

|sort=Modification date |order=desc |limit=5000 }}